construction safety

This is always a challenge as it involves activity in a building that has occupants. For safe working in a construction building, the following steps of activity will aid in improvement of safety and minimize the risks of accidents, injuries, damage of property or loss of life or a combination of all of them.
• Establish formal line of communication with occupants / representatives
• Understand the operational safety & Security systems
• Discuss Noise / dust generating activities with occupants and remedial measures
• Interact with maintenance team for information on electrical systems
• Barricade work areas from occupancy areas- Display signages
• Provide additional lighting for safe movement
• Maintain pedestrian walk ways & protect them (Overhead falling risks)
• Store all material in secondary containments to prevent leakage / erosion
• Ensure dust control by adopting wet cleaning methods
• Keep Emergency Response facilities clear and accessible at all times
• Have periodical briefing sessions for feedbacks & suggestions