What is IncidentXP?
IncidentXP is our incident analysis software product which uses the same software framework as BowTieXP. This makes it possible to link incident analysis information to risk assessment information. However, IncidentXP can also be used as full-fledged stand-alone incident analysis tool.
The software is designed to learn from all incidents that have occurred in your company. The type of incidents may range from process deviations, to near misses, to small incidents, to major accidents. And the incidents can relate to both Process Safety and Personal Safety.

Why IncidentXP?
Learning from incidents is a challenge for most organizations. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the analysis performed on the incident does not provide an adequate basis for high quality recommendations which will change the organization for the better while still being realistic. IncidentXP will assist you in making recommendation focused on a specific barrier or on the organizational level (basic risk factor level).
Only using incident analysis is not enough. Bowtie risk assessment can be used to check if the investigation covered everything that was supposed to be done before we finalize an incident analysis. Additional, the incident analysis results should link back to the risk assessment to aggregate and detect trends across incidents. By providing both risk assessment (BowTieXP) and risk monitoring (IncidentXP) we close the circle of Deming (plan-do-check-act) within 1 software framework.
barrier failure analysis
The tripod method is a way of conducting incident analysis. It is mostly used for high risk, complex incidents, since it is a very extensive and detailed method. Training is highly recommended when using the tripod method. A Tripod Beta tree is built in following three steps.
All the events that happened in the incident are listed as a chain of events. The next step is to identify the barriers that failed to stop this chain of events.
When all the events and the failed barriers in between are identified, the reason for failure of these barriers is analyzed.
For each of the failed barriers a causation path is identified.